Though not an official Book Club event, all of us were invited to join Donna in celebrating her birthday by joining her on her favorite hike for her
80th. Several of us took up her challenge, none of us thinking "well if she can do it..." We stand in awe of Donna, her adventurous spirit and enthusiastic participation in life. Together with sons, grandsons, brother-in-law, sisters, and dear friends, we made our way on a beautiful 3 mile hike from a redwood forest, up and over a hill top down to the Pacific.
Once our hike was completed, we gathered with even more Ya-Ya members for the delicious ravioli lunch Donna promised as a reward. The real reward though was spending yet more time with her. On this happy occasion we presented her with our often discussed and now official Divine Recipes of the Ya-Ya Book Club.
Wishing a very happy birthday to Donna and our other birthday girl, Lucienne.